How to Buy PubG mobile Royal Pass Half Price 605 ₹ | Uc Trick | PubG No ban India |Google Payment issue Solve.
Pubg mobile
Pubg mobile the best of game in this trend , all game have must time when the running on top ji Of searches same as pubg mobile is also one of them , many people or user play it with passion and enjoy (Also me Play for enjoy😊).
Many players or user was addiction of it or some was play for enjoying. And they need Royal Pass for customisation player charector and they need Uc for purchase Dress, guns skin , aeroplane skin etc. And but this is to expensive for us And other option is Royal Pass, So now PubG come royal Pass 16 on this day , and many palyer want to buy it , But they can't purchase Google Play Store reason to faild payment issue .
How to Buy
All of gys you know PubG game is ban of India but more people play it regularly and they can't purchase uc for there stuff or Royal Pass 16. There are follow some step to purchase..
1. First you open PubG game and go to UC TAB and you see 600+60 Uc is 750 rs approx. Purchase us but payment faild
3. Now open and Login just simple step or Google
4. open and just find gaming tab or PubG Uc purchase Store
5. Then Click on 2 order ( 325+325 uc =650uc)
6. Add additional information Player id (ex. 5232737956 ) & Players id Name ( ex. RomanticRaaj )
7. In Last go down and enter Coupan ex. DIWALI30 and apply .
8. Last go to place order in few hours in your pubg game check mail section u have also get mail on your registered email id .
NOTE : Your pubg id is safe or isn't ban any condition. 😊
Any issu and problems msg or mail me.
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